Example of Two Way Data binding in WPF MVVM
Take the new project in that adds three folder naming as Model, ViewModel and View. See the below screen. We are giving the project name as WPFPurchaseMaster.
Take the new project in that adds three folder naming as Model, ViewModel and View. See the below screen. We are giving the project name as WPFPurchaseMaster.
What are the Step Adding of classes in WPF MVVM?
Step1: Right Click on Model folder àAdd àAddNewItem select the class file name them as Customer
Step2: Right Click on ViewModel folder àAdd àAddNewItem select the class file name them as CustomerViewModel
Step3: Click on View folder àAdd àAddNewItem select the Window(WPF extension as .xaml) file name them as PurchaseOrder
Structure should be look like below image
Write Code on respective classes each shown below with namespace
using System.ComponentModel; for INotifyPropertyChanged property
INotifyPropertyChanged used for handling notification when any change of data in the controls.
For example when we change the text box value then it notifies the respective properties bonded to that control.
You can change any field from above control like we can change customer name, contact number, Discount etc...
Add Namespace using WPFPurchaseMaster. Model;
Change the above code StartupUri=”MainWindow.xaml” to
StartupUri=” View/PurchaseOrder.xaml”
Run the application the output should be like below
When select grid row, data of grid shown on above text box control like below screen
You can change any field from above control like we can change customer name, contact number, Discount etc...
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