How to bind ViewModel to View in WPF MVVM

We are watching step by step sample application on MVVM pattern. So let’s take below code

à  Take the new project in that adds four folder naming as Model, ViewModel, View and Command. See the below screen

Structure of MVVM

Description :

Model: In model we can basically added the properties of the model

View Model: In that we can add code logic, command on controls for processing your request coming from View

Command: In that we create the command for execute process through view controls like Button, Combo Box, and radio button etc. We can fire the event of control on this class.

View: It is the UI of page. It is used to display the result.

Step By Step Adding of classes in WPF MVVM:

Step 1:  Right click on Model folder  on that add a class file name as Student,

Step 2: Right click on ViewModel folder on that add class file name as StudentViewModel

Step 3: Right click on View folder on that add wpf windows form name as StudentView

Step 4: Right click on Command folder on that add class file name as RelayCommand

 Write Code on respective classes each shown below with namespace

Student.cs :

MVVM student class


Add namespace
using StudentMVVM.Models;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

Student View Model MVVM

Add namespace
using System.Windows.Input;

Student relay command

Finally add view


After writing above code in respective file.

Right click on App.xaml file from solution explorer à click on ViewDesigner.

App.xaml designer look like below


Change the above code StartupUri=”MainWindow.xaml” to

StartupUri=” View/PurchaseOrder.xaml” 

Run the application the output should be like below 

Student form view

 When click on Add button the result should be like below screen

After add student data

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